In the every day duties one must always respect Elders, not as leaders but as judges, leaders of culture and knowledge. They are mental storehouses for spiritual, mental , physical and emotional knowledge and wisdom of all Creation.
They will work in any capacity.
We try to work in the spirit from our hearts, while many gifts and rewards lie ahead.
Our teachings are not rules that must be obeyed, but rather good words that are meant to inspire, guide ,and instruct. The foundation of integrity or wholeness is balance and happiness.
We will conduct ourselves in this manner.
When we hear drums and chants of ancient cultural values, that have been passed down and restored from time immemorial , then we are proud and hold our heads high above the creation of our land. We pass this on in a sacred manner and our dancing to show expression while we dance.
Then it restores and acknowledges the teachers , to show our youth the teachings that have been passed down to the endless tomorrow.
My sisters and brothers , I have spoken of the cycle of truth, which are values such as gratitude, respect , and acceptance.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise
Blessings to all my Relations of the world; from the Muise Clan...
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