In the Mi'kmaq world our rules are known as Oral Traditions.
We have a code of ethics which was taught by male and female Elders, , spiritual peoples recognized in society,Medicine people and chief of our nations.
The keepers of this sacred knowledge are wide spread among our people in all four directions on Turtle Island. They are divided into seven Districts: The Wabanaki People of the Dawn are the first people in North America and here in Canada.
My sisters and brothers and seven generations that follow, hear the teachings of our Creator and Great Grandfather of All,who dwells in the Spirit-Land known as the universe.
One of the first and most important teachings is a Natural Law. That was to keep things pure, especially the water. Keeping the water pure is life itself.If we destroy the water you destroy all mankind and all that exists on the planet earth.
Our stories are teachings. Our teachings are healing. Our healing is life,to live in harmony with nature.
Today in history the Eagle Spirit hovers from a higher place and teaches us to gather our drums, and singing with our dancing together in balance in all seven directions.
Our customs ,like our sacred Spiritual ceremony of our people, have not been forgotten. We must understand that our way of life has somewhat changed. But our sacred duty to protect the welfare of our MOTHER Mother Earth , from whom all life comes.
These words are not rules that we must obey, but rather good words that are meant to inspire, guide and instruct the values that is in the spirit of our hearts.
Sa'qewei-wjijaqamijl wape'k paqt-sm(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise/
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