Saturday, 18 January 2014


Values, Customs and Traditions of Mi'Kmaq Nation
It is like a Code of Ethics.
In the Mi'Kmaq world, these rules are known as ORAL TRADITIONS.
These rules must be taught to us by Elders, Spiritual people, Medicine people and Chiefs of our Nation. No one learns by verbal knowledge, but you learn through observation all during your lifetime.
(ONE).... Mi'kmaq show respect for rituals in our interaction with nature. The Spirit of the trees, animals, plants, and elements we disturb for our own use.
(Two)...Respect for the human spirit from birth until death. All things have their own unique spirit.
(Three)...Respect for Elders. Our Mi'kmaq society holds this value with highest esteem and consider it most important of all.
(Four).... Mi'kmaq language is sacred. The sacred knowledge within our language provides wisdom and understanding.
(Five)....Sharing. Being Mi'kmaq gives the unique ability to have an Eagle's viewpoint of sharing of yourself, your resources, your time, your knowledge, your wisdom freely without being asked, or expecting anything in return.
(SIX)... Death is a natural as birth.
(SEVEN)... Individual non-interference.
(EIGHT)...Respect for the unborn.
(Nine)... Ageing is a privilege.
(Ten)... Spiritually -The belief of our Elders.
(ELEVEN)..... Belief in the supernatural between two worlds.
(Twelve)... Humility and humor.
(Thirteen)... Labeling: understanding the Spirit in a person.
(Fourteen)... Sweetgrass ceremony. (Pekitne'mam)
(Fifteen)... Indian time, the space of no beginning and no end.
(Sixteen)... Time for healing.
(Seventeen)... Child care.
(Eighteen).... Ritual for death and dying. They should not be left alone. Enter the spirit world completely at peace with everyone and everything, to find a path in the spirit world.(Wasoqnckewi)
(Nineteen)... Ritual for mourning.
(Twenty)... Richness of body language.
(Twenty-one)... Honoring ceremony for elders. (Pestiewa'ltimk)
(Twenty-two)...Ceremony for individual accomplishment. (Wi'kipaltimk)
(Twenty-three)... Dreams. Listen to our dreams.
(Twenty-four)...Ability to function in Separate Worlds.
(Twenty-five) ...Customs and beliefs affecting women. SHE IS THE MAIN AGENT OF OUR CULTURE !!
(Twenty-six)... Customs for visiting.
(Twenty-seven)... Belief in a forerunner.
(Twenty-eight)...Feeding of Grandfather.(A'puknajit., Giving thanks to spirit during the most difficult time of winter.
(Twenty-nine)... Behavor modification of children. Take a child in the bush and teach the spirit of Mother Earth. Let the child breath the breath of our Mother.
(Thirty)...Respect for food.It is sacred. What is never put into fire should return to nature.
PIKTO'L SA'KE'J MUISE : (Sa'qewei-wjijaqmijl-wape'k-paqt-sm),Ancient spirit of the White

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