Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Monday, 27 January 2014
I was to visit my brother at his cabin on a bright summer day to show him a painting I had just finished of an eagle. Unknowing he had guests invited and I still stayed to meet them.
So I met two of his friends and the woman friend's spirit name was Blue Eagle.
So I went to my truck and gave her the painting of the eagle. She was honored by such a gift.
I got to know both her husband and her quite well..
Later on we got to talking and I told her of a book I had written . She said she was going to help me with editing the book.
I kept telling her the very sacred spiritual mane she carried. She asked me if we could some how put a sacred bundle together. So I told her to pick a day she wasn't busy and we'll get to start her journey of a sacred bundle for her.
It took us about four hours with the teachings and explaining the sacred objects that were required to start the bundle.Later she got to feast her sacred bundle.
After that she gave me a gift ,a small Christmas tree. She saw that my chair I sitting in was broken. She ordered me a new one and every time her husband or she would pass my way they would drop in with a Tim Hortons, French Vanilla coffee.
I was so proud of her .
She told me she was going on a trip to Mexico.
When she returned she brought me another gift, a shaker with different displays.... an eagle face and in the mouth of the eagle a carved human face. At the two ends were very fine grain quartz chert. Our people used to make their arrowheads and knives and other tools from this.
The stone has very spiritual strength carried with different clans of our people.
Like my other gifts from Mother Earth, these are very sacred to me.
In honor I would like to share a picture of my gift, in honor to the people that gave them to me.
Sa'qewei-wjijaqamijl wape'k paqt-sm
(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
The following is the story of honoring an Elder.
I was sitting at a sacred fire as a keeper and a young man came to sit with me.
He said... "You're alone?".
"Yes" I said.
He replied "Then could I sit and you could teach me what do and what all this means?"
I said "Yes my son". I call all the young men, who come to me to learn. my sons.
As the evening to the West drew it's last shades, I started to teach the young man how to place wood on the fire. I told him he would be the keeper of the fire until the sun rises.
"First" I said "you should light the sweetgrass and smudge, and pray while you are doing such a sacred ceremony" .I told him this is to cleanse you five main senses and cleanse you spiritual , physical, and mental being.
The young man was so proud.
"Now my son, you have to offer tobacco to the sacred fire and pray for what ever is in you heart in the four directions."
All that night I taught young man different teachings along with a few stories. I could see before the sun was going to rise he would get tired. He did, and dosed off a few times, but he kept the fire going all night and prayed as he offered tobacco to the sacred fire.
Before dawn he decided to go home and he thanked me ever so much.
About hour later this man I could see coming to the entrance holding something in his hand .
"Good morning" he said "I've come to pray".
"Yes" I said .
He offered tobacco to the sacred fire ,still holding something under his arm. He came a sat down and said to me "I have some thing for you, a gift for you for helping my son to understanding things about the sacred fire and other thing you've taught him ,"
The young man who had been with me that night was his son.
"I would like to honor you with this whale hip bone. Our family got it from the beach here in Flat Bay.This is from our family and community for your help as keeper of the sacred fire and you kindness and your time you give to our people.."
By then there were tears in my eyes and this was a man I had gone to the same school with.
I accepted the sacred gift and asked "What will I do with it?"
Well, I still carry it with me in my sacred objects. Some times I use it for a smudge bowl, and teaching about the great whale travailing our oceans.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Let us pray that our nation will respect our history and culture throughout the next generation.
May the universe open up and the Great Spirit look upon our Mother Earth, so that the vision of life will be released from the East, and the sacred sweet grass will cleanse our children. Then the eagle will soar across this land and watch over our growing nation.
Now, our universe is alive and our grandmother comes from the South and nourishes us with love and passion, as we use our sacred medicine, sage.
Let us pray that our families, community, country and world give emotional, physical, and spiritual strength to our culture. May our great-grandmother heal the sick and deliver the seeds of enlightenment to our unknown, becoming of our next generation.
Then, the universe expands and a spirit guide from the West, the black bear comes, with his sacred medicine, cedar. He ponders the earth and wanders the sacred ground in order to learn the secrets of life, so that we may teach the young of old ways. Then the young will grow in wisdom and become messengers who will carry the sacred bundles on to future generations, keeping the circle strong.
So now, may all the universe be cleansed together, nation after nation , and may the strength of the polar bear from the North, with its sacred medicine, fungus, enhance our Indian family, keeping us united in the spirit and free from fear. Let us stand proud, that our Indian people be educated in our language, way of life, and beliefs for generations to come.
No amah
Victor James Muise Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise.
Spiritual Leader of the children not yet born to Mother Earth
Oh Great Spirit, cleanse our heart, cleanse our minds, cleanse our spirit, so we can come together joined as one hand. Unite us, as sister and brother, as we walk through the journey of life and stand among other nations of the world.
Help us pray for leaders of yesterday, leaders of today, and leaders of tomorrow, who are our youth. Help them, and ourselves, to enhance our spiritual strength and observe our teachings here on Mother Earth. Nourish their growth to enhance wisdom, in our changing society, and teach our children their language.
So when we rest with the setting of the sun, our mind, body and spirit, will come together to flow with dignity of the First People of the Land.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise…(Sa'qewi-wjijaqamijl-wape'k-paqt-sm)
Ancient spirit of the White Wolf…(Copy right)
Thursday, 23 January 2014
O our Creator, and Great Grandfather of all.
We dwell in the Spirit-Land known as the Universe.
We ask that you look toward us, your children.
Who live here on Mother Earth, hear our words.
Because of our Creator we learn to believe with the Highest Respect, the law you have set forth.
When we put our minds together for any gathering we will be of one heart before we leave.
Bless us with understanding , spiritual strength, and compassion and may we always walk in beauty in the path for which you have already made for us, the People of the Light...(Mi'kmaq).
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise,VJM/(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
According to Mi'kmaq Tradition we pray to give thanks to the seven directions.
Daily we give thanks for our blessings. The Great Spirit is always blessing us and at times will put a lesson in our path. This lesson is also a blessing , and so we also give thanks for this.
Living in thankfulness and following our spiritual path of humility, honesty, respect, courage, wisdom, truth and love gives us a life that is precious and beautiful , the way KJI'niskam intended it to be.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise./Sa'qewei-wjijaqamijl wipe's paqt-sm
(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
In the every day duties one must always respect Elders, not as leaders but as judges, leaders of culture and knowledge. They are mental storehouses for spiritual, mental , physical and emotional knowledge and wisdom of all Creation.
They will work in any capacity.
We try to work in the spirit from our hearts, while many gifts and rewards lie ahead.
Our teachings are not rules that must be obeyed, but rather good words that are meant to inspire, guide ,and instruct. The foundation of integrity or wholeness is balance and happiness.
We will conduct ourselves in this manner.
When we hear drums and chants of ancient cultural values, that have been passed down and restored from time immemorial , then we are proud and hold our heads high above the creation of our land. We pass this on in a sacred manner and our dancing to show expression while we dance.
Then it restores and acknowledges the teachers , to show our youth the teachings that have been passed down to the endless tomorrow.
My sisters and brothers , I have spoken of the cycle of truth, which are values such as gratitude, respect , and acceptance.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise
Blessings to all my Relations of the world; from the Muise Clan...
My sisters and brothers across Turtle Island, hear me through a sacred breath of the Creator. I will tell of generations of healing that I'm about to speak.
Our language and customs of our people has not been forgotten.
The path that leads from your mother's umbilical cord, like stories of ancient times and our healing, customs and language now are even older.
Healing, like language, comes from energy such as the sound of our land, the winds and the waterfalls.
This has been preserved from the Earth through our tongue and has a distinct openness that has not been found, only through the blood of our ancestors.
To heal mental, physical, spiritual sickness, one must encounter experiences of living off the land and Mother Earth and go through the different paths in life.
But sometimes through stories and sacred ceremonies the plants , animals, forest and streams must be all our relations.
To the biggest end of our journey , we have to tone down , and transmit, our emissions and send our thoughts into a meadow of natural smell, sound, sight, touch and speak the sacred words of our ancestors.
Msitno'kmaq- All my Relations
Sa'qewei-wjijaqamijl waqe'k paqt-sm
Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
#1 Learning .... A great Healer is one who teaches,inspires,and models how a patient can heal himself.
#2 Honoring....Is respect for the Creator, Creation, yourself and others.
#3 Acceptance.... Accept our weakness as we know our strength.
#4 Seeing ....The ability to see the hidden Truth.
#5 Hearing....A healer can hear health and disease in the tone of a person.
#6 Speaking....One must always speak with care...words are carried with a sacred breath.
#7 Loving-....Love of the Mother Earth.Its symbol is the sun.
#8 Service....A person's service makes him rich and honorable .
#9 Living....If we speak the truth we must live it.
#10 Working....Symbolized by the turtle.
#11 Walking....Spiritual path in life...Survival.
#12 Gratitude....Thank you...four or seven times.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise.
(Sa'qewei wjijaqamijl wape'k paqt-sm)
(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
Saturday, 18 January 2014
On an isle there is a mountain of life beyond what you can see. Do a complete circle around your self, then take a journey of your own. Never go to the top alone, or to the bottom by yourself. Always stay at the center of life, then your balance in life will be your own and then you’ll gain more purpose through life in that balance.
CONTENTMENT When you think of a mountain and an ant, find a place that you're in contentment, not a place you're happy. Happiness comes natural, contentment you have to find. Sit by a creek and listen to the silence of the ripples. It will speak to you. When you find that place you’ll know. Fast in silence .Contentment will appear.
KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is our grandmothers and grandfathers and you learn all through you life time. Sometime in life you have to go back, to find out who you are. Your ancestors will help you, when you find out who you are, and then you can go ahead in life. Finding your bloodline is knowledge, because that’s you. Living that line is a task and must take example from Respected Elders of you Communities or Clan.
WISDOM Wisdom is our grandmothers and grandfathers of tomorrow, which is our youth of today. We ,as ELDERS, hold trust for them so they can be stronger in culture than we are. Now our ELDER is fading away. Take time for them to speak to you. They are the metal stories of our survival/wisdom.
PATH Your path in life is of saying and doing, but you have to control of your body, mind, and spirit, a journey that is not hard to accept. Think of the turtle, how slowly he moves on earth, but he or she lives over 300 years old sometimes.
HONOR When you speak with honor, you will receive respect. Spiritual strength you will receive because the people have power. We have none. All ways honor elders, leaders, your community, and yourself. Then you will receive HONOR.
HAPPINESS Small and simple events in life make people happy, but happiness is only for a short time. Why not find what’s in the spirit of those events. It will come to your surprise that you are the spirit of happiness at events. Then the whole event becomes a circle of happiness.
HEALING Healing is not a mission. Don’t attempt to heel another person, if you yourself are laid in illness. Find the path of illness. Most sickness is natural in stages of life. You can heal yourself in that case. Only for illness enter your body, nine spirits will harm you, Then medicine from your birthplace will heal you. But that is the final healing path.
TASK. I have been instructed by the CREATOR to do a task. I have to reach out, smell, touch, hear, see and be present, and then you yourself are that task.
TRACKS When an EAGLE flies he leaves no tracks for his predators to harm him. We can do the same, only be gentile when walking MOTHER EARTH, and no harm will comet you. When an EAGLE flies, he is not only looking for prey, he is watching over the earth to protect and search its path. Our Path is theirs but they cannot see it, so we ,as humans, are the path of natural being. That is a start.
Material Some people say “I worked all my life and have nothing”. That’s because material things are nothing, only to look at, and a need. Your visions in life are what makes life, and then follow your dreams. Life is no bed of roses but I smell them all the time. Pray this way and you dreams will become a reality..
Courage I thought I accomplished everything in life, but first I had to conquer my biggest enemy, MYSELF. Now I can go on living.
WORK An ant does not stop tolling and working all day long, yet he is one of the smallest creature on earth. No mountain stands in their way. Be content when you work, or shift to another job. We are not ants.
DIRECTIONS There are seven secret directions, on our secret pipe, seven stages in life, seven gifts, seven teachings, seven secret medicines. When searching in life always start to the east, and with yourself first.
Symbols There are signs and symbols on earth for us to follow. CLOSE YOUR EYES. In life use all senses, make them work together. Nature will react to your senses, faster than man made signs.
YOUTH When a robin leaves its nest they do not return to their mothers. When a child leaves their mother they draw closer together. When a child wants to fly allow them to explore life.
CONFEDERATION My uncle told me, not to cut a tree to cross to the other side of the creek ..."Why?" I asked. "Your son may need that tree to shelter and to breed among his children’s children."
SMUDGING Sweetgrass is a secret plant, the hair of mother earth. When you smudge to purify your body, mind, spirit, you pray for all creation, to continue is what people forgets.
LEARNING There are certain things women and man can learn in a life span. Don’t try to learn every subject there is. It’s going to take a long time to learn one subject of life. Itself.
OFFERING When we take from MOTHER EARTH, make an offering back, with what ever substance you have. To give is better than receiving. MOTHER EARTH preserves food and shelter. These gifts are all free. And we are only the fourth to be here on earth. The animals were third, the plants were seconds, and the rocks were here first, our grandfathers.
FEAR Fear is our biggest foe which hides in you. Breath fresh air and get rid of fear. While there is air, there should be no fear.
DEATH Old Joe told me he was worried about life, not the death. He said "But there may be no one to carry the secret medicine after I leave because it’s dangerous to mix medicine together, unless you're brought up from a young child. Knowing your plants on earth is one’s life.
VISION Believe in your VISIONS, but a real vision is only those that become a reality.
TALKING I asked an ELDER, when I was only young man. How will I speak to a Group of people? She said "Speak from your heart, but don’t disrespect your self, and know their caliber of their education before you begin and those people's culture which is their language." We INDIANS are not educators. We are teacher of WISDOM. TOHO!
PRAY When I pray to the rocks, our GRANDFATHERS and the DRUM, teachers of the cycle of life, to give me strength, to respect our leaders of yesterday, leaders of today, and leaders of tomorrow and for our youth to have silence. Our wars among men and women, nation to nation, country to country, like the ripples of the creeks in the world , please bandage the wounds of our forefathers.
Pray this way and you have paid respect to all creation.
It is like a Code of Ethics.
In the Mi'Kmaq world, these rules are known as ORAL TRADITIONS.
These rules must be taught to us by Elders, Spiritual people, Medicine people and Chiefs of our Nation. No one learns by verbal knowledge, but you learn through observation all during your lifetime.
(ONE).... Mi'kmaq show respect for rituals in our interaction with nature. The Spirit of the trees, animals, plants, and elements we disturb for our own use.
(Two)...Respect for the human spirit from birth until death. All things have their own unique spirit.
(Three)...Respect for Elders. Our Mi'kmaq society holds this value with highest esteem and consider it most important of all.
(Four).... Mi'kmaq language is sacred. The sacred knowledge within our language provides wisdom and understanding.
(Five)....Sharing. Being Mi'kmaq gives the unique ability to have an Eagle's viewpoint of sharing of yourself, your resources, your time, your knowledge, your wisdom freely without being asked, or expecting anything in return.
(SIX)... Death is a natural as birth.
(SEVEN)... Individual non-interference.
(EIGHT)...Respect for the unborn.
(Nine)... Ageing is a privilege.
(Ten)... Spiritually -The belief of our Elders.
(ELEVEN)..... Belief in the supernatural between two worlds.
(Twelve)... Humility and humor.
(Thirteen)... Labeling: understanding the Spirit in a person.
(Fourteen)... Sweetgrass ceremony. (Pekitne'mam)
(Fifteen)... Indian time, the space of no beginning and no end.
(Sixteen)... Time for healing.
(Seventeen)... Child care.
(Eighteen).... Ritual for death and dying. They should not be left alone. Enter the spirit world completely at peace with everyone and everything, to find a path in the spirit world.(Wasoqnckewi)
(Nineteen)... Ritual for mourning.
(Twenty)... Richness of body language.
(Twenty-one)... Honoring ceremony for elders. (Pestiewa'ltimk)
(Twenty-two)...Ceremony for individual accomplishment. (Wi'kipaltimk)
(Twenty-three)... Dreams. Listen to our dreams.
(Twenty-four)...Ability to function in Separate Worlds.
(Twenty-five) ...Customs and beliefs affecting women. SHE IS THE MAIN AGENT OF OUR CULTURE !!
(Twenty-six)... Customs for visiting.
(Twenty-seven)... Belief in a forerunner.
(Twenty-eight)...Feeding of Grandfather.(A'puknajit., Giving thanks to spirit during the most difficult time of winter.
(Twenty-nine)... Behavor modification of children. Take a child in the bush and teach the spirit of Mother Earth. Let the child breath the breath of our Mother.
(Thirty)...Respect for food.It is sacred. What is never put into fire should return to nature.
PIKTO'L SA'KE'J MUISE : (Sa'qewei-wjijaqmijl-wape'k-paqt-sm),Ancient spirit of the White
Friday, 17 January 2014
In the Mi'kmaq world our rules are known as Oral Traditions.
We have a code of ethics which was taught by male and female Elders, , spiritual peoples recognized in society,Medicine people and chief of our nations.
The keepers of this sacred knowledge are wide spread among our people in all four directions on Turtle Island. They are divided into seven Districts: The Wabanaki People of the Dawn are the first people in North America and here in Canada.
My sisters and brothers and seven generations that follow, hear the teachings of our Creator and Great Grandfather of All,who dwells in the Spirit-Land known as the universe.
One of the first and most important teachings is a Natural Law. That was to keep things pure, especially the water. Keeping the water pure is life itself.If we destroy the water you destroy all mankind and all that exists on the planet earth.
Our stories are teachings. Our teachings are healing. Our healing is life,to live in harmony with nature.
Today in history the Eagle Spirit hovers from a higher place and teaches us to gather our drums, and singing with our dancing together in balance in all seven directions.
Our customs ,like our sacred Spiritual ceremony of our people, have not been forgotten. We must understand that our way of life has somewhat changed. But our sacred duty to protect the welfare of our MOTHER Mother Earth , from whom all life comes.
These words are not rules that we must obey, but rather good words that are meant to inspire, guide and instruct the values that is in the spirit of our hearts.
Sa'qewei-wjijaqamijl wape'k paqt-sm(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise/
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Upon arriving, struggling and maintaining a prosperous health, our forerunners , whom we honor, were engaged in travels on the wilderness area of this vast growing island of Newfoundland, with artistic people who adopted change.Some progress, to its fearfulness, that some day we would have freedom, and and a healthy and safe, home/settlement to rear our children’s child.
The people should stand proud , in Newfoundland and throughout Canada.
The rest of the world is still wanting to study our people , Mi'kmaq, and they are in an unknown land, with people and resources development that took place over decades to accrue the fundamental values of a people from the Mi'kmaq Nation.
Today we maintain our history and culture, and those are people that fostered a respect for other nations on the land, and upheld the teaching from Mother Earth, that we are so grateful to have this rock, symbolizing our Grandfathers, and share our seven sacred gifts, having survived and maintained life on the land.
You would have only to read two short stories (OF MIND,BODY,SPIRIT),to grasp living and working in this neck of the woods, separated from all else but the higher power where the Eagle soars and circles this great nation of a people, a people who almost became extinct.
The Healing in the Inner Journey of one's life, with the teachings , was entrenched in our forerunners, who followed the flight of the sacred Eagle, and landed on the rock to share with all mankind……
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise…VJM..
We, the people , are the land and have to return home.
We ,the people, only hold in trust for the next seven generations, not only Aboriginal people.Others that brought their families to share so they can live a life that the Creator put forth in all creation and in each direction. This would be water, food, shelter,etc., and in good health. The only way we can survive is to live for the land and of the land , healthy ,if possible.
Aboriginal people never have had any boundaries. That is what causes fear among nations and countries and leads to wars .
I have no bounders on Mother Earth. It is my kitchen, along with every one that walks on Mother Earth in the land they call Earth.
Can any one understand?
We are not going to be treated with disrespect, for those who disrespect another is a very sad and lacking the love, genteelness of life itself. I type this for myself too.
I strive with cancer,three broken bones in my back, blood vessels breaking in my legs, breathing badly with poison circling Mother Earth.
Do I stop?
"No ..No... No."
I uplift myself as the sun rises and pray for those that are worse of than I am.
There is always a light in the dark darkness. We just have to find the path that's intended for us.
Life is not a rose. No one can beautify the sacred plant more than it is.
Humans are the same.... Who and what you are, as the simple you.
Grasp onto a sacred plant and grow with it . Look at a tree that is injured .It still has it branches.
Somewhere there is a flame, ready to find it's way, and that may be the most important test. This is found in nature.
Our Ancient Ancestors cannot speak for our children. But, our Ancient Teachings From our Ancient Ancestors, from our Creator to our Grandfathers, who dwell in the spirit-land, known as the Universe, can teach.
Then we, the First Nation's people, can and will stand and speak to keep the forces of spiritual strength in the circle of life even stronger in nature, keep our children nourished with good health and life.
Our Ancient ceremony, drumming and dancing, will remain and will not change what and who we are.
The cycle of truth one must speak with care, because your words are carried by the sacred breath of love. Sa'qewei-wjijaqamijl wipe's paqt-sm
(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise/ 1
The NORTH winds corresponds to the FIRE element and the colour White.
The SOUTH winds corresponds to the AIR element and the colour Black.
The WEST winds corresponds to the WATER element and the colour is RED.
The EAST winds corresponds to Grandfathers, the element of eternal life. The Colour Is yellow, the growth of the universal spirit that is living in every thing that he CREATED.
To find life's greatest harmony and self understanding,think of the four WINDS asking the following questions. Looking for the answers within yourself. What are your biggest fears?
When you looking to the EAST...Who or what a'm I a part of:where do I belong? "Between a Mountain and a ant".
When you looking to the SOUTH...What do I enjoy doing or do well? "My gift's in life that i'm aware off"
When you are looking to the WEST...What are my strengths:what limits me? Body,Mind,Spirit.
When you are looking to the NORTH...What do I have to contribute or share? What did I do in the past 4 or 7 day's in my community?
Pikto''l Sa'ke'j Muise/VJM/(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)
(Ancient spirit of the White wolf)
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
One learns knowledge through the seven stages of life.
After you pass the first seven stages , and they become deeply embedded , one's spirit (Women are first with this stage in life) becomes bonded in the inner peace within yourself . You then speak with a humble and sacred Breathe of (Wisdom).
For others to understand....... life is living to the fullness
But first you have to find a place of Contentment where you are at peace with your self, and you find the kindness for all...
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise..VJM
(Sa'qewei-wjijaqamijl wipe's paqt-sm) Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf.....
Once there was a man, who wandered through the forest deep and over the extensive wilderness.
One blustery brightened day, he gazed at a small creek draining from the North onto the warmed Southern gentleness of stillness. Then through him as the ripple of the creek sang a slow melody to him VISION appeared from the stillness of the water side.
All senses glimpsing within a spirit's eyes, he could see a shadow that no other could see.
A young vibrant girl, morning delight, full of ambition, trapped in a vision of the past, and crept slowly into the future of the wandering eyes.
Nothing more than a flash rushed through his mind.
This, a woman gently holding a baby to her bosom, a vision
of the shadow and holding a medicine bag, touching mother ever so gently, that tears of delight, as the creek rippled down his cheeks and vanished back to mother.
A rush of AIR from the east breath took its toll.
No one could understand, nor the bond that bonded with the rolling hills.
Until nightfall his energy started to emerge, while his sickness slowly faded away.
VJM composed Feb.2004
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise..
Your spirit with nature , surrounds your body,and controls your life, as your presence here on earth is natural and your surroundings are you.
Everything you touch, see, smell are contacts and are related to us humans. This is the intelligence of the mind, body, and spirit.
When you walk on Mother Earth bare feet, you still gain the whole world around you.
An eagle is gifted to leave no tracks in the sky. You can do the same, for predators not to harm your well-being. Predators are sometime yourself.
When you speak or make signs to a flower in a meadow, can you hear anything? Some people say "No". But ,if you listen and observe, you will hear the gentleness of that flower, or any other plant on earth.
When you breathe fresh air, the whole world breaths with you under the shield of life.
You are but only one dot in the universe.
When you look at the sun, this raises the energy flow like creeks in the wilderness.
The rocks give so much comfort.They are alive and communicate with all creation. Of course, they were here first.
Then came the forest with all its shades and growth to sustain our lives, and shelter us from the four winds. Yes, then animals to give us good food and nourishment.
We are the last on earth. Yet, we have the most in life, given to us all free.
This is an Elderly Lament
Copyright VJM
It’s a vision of mine, on an island, in this small center, on a journey in the medicine wheel, Forty years took it’s toll, upon this soul, he’s a heart of gold, but a man that’s very bold, To capture an echo and still not be sure if life , nor time is real, But now, I’m writing rhymes, all the time, looking for words to suit, no words of mine, I could not define, and then I wrote to His appeal.
Many things humans must do, while passing a short travel on this solid earth, His remains and sometime too, they placed him beneath the name, one by one, side by side, generations pass by, I’d like to heed, what mankind has forgotten, only of they're good memories, not those that make me sad and cry, While wandering about this turf, since birth, At last you’ll read and I’ll speak no more of our women/man, upon this land, who die.
“To the North”
Traveling to Great Northern Placentia to meet some kin of mine, I stood across from St.Johns Island, where our buddy, Mattie Mitchell stayed sometime, Then a gravesite, I came upon, with alders among the decay, looked like a torn up lawn, and small mountains to lend a shade, But, that’s not all, there were holes dug and the bodies that were there, were gone.
“To the East”
Then to the big city, on the south side of St.John’s, Shanawdithi’s mound that will last, only one of her kind, many people so fond, I could feel everybody’s thought... "She’s at rest alongside", In solid cliff, on a blade of man made grass, a tombstone, facing the sky, We visit quite awhile, but in the end, I would not have a friend, if the truth, I could see, was a lie.
“To the South”
I got eager and traveled South on to the Val of Conne, I seen at once, an ancient burial site, Reminding me of time, but lay there quite at home, with kin, in an Indian stile, A big black bear, was eyeing me, showed me not to dare enter that circle of life, around our people at rest, So I sang a chant and left with ease, never to return again.
“To the West”
Then unsure, I went back to the west, where my people also lay, and to St. George’s grave site I was shown… Now at this road area, I felt uptight, my great-great grandfather and mother were bulled away, to prevent six feet of land on the opposite side of the fence, When the parish told me this, I prayed for the spirits to be in control of that task, Because from my loving Mother it was taught to me, to be humble, to those err of the past, and times in life they’ll meet and greet, too final judge their cast.
“To the centre”
After those trips, I trailed no more, Until a friend, Victor French, ordered a helicopter and landed me on an Isle on the Island in Newfoundland, Glover Island, it was called by name, twenty –seven miles long, Into a sacred place where I’d rest my bones, just walk and heal my thought with the orchestra of natural sound.
Strangest visions in my life appeared before me, Tones of gold under the crusts of the beaded white stone, that was land locked for billions of years, My senses grew, those unseen stones, I’ve seen before, Where people think, was untouched by other generations because they could never reach the shores.
This mighty Island of George, I stayed a month or more, Studying the natural habitat, especially our mother’s nature call the loon, with medicine of glory to cure my sores, At a hut, in a Garden off Eden, the blackened boron, king of his domain, though each other to share, still I had to settle a score, And chased the dog, to my last cross, on a rock in the forks of the road.
Finely, I heard the echo, and perched at the height of a bog, the Elder Eagle Catcher, my brother Len, and four cubs he’s standing beside, Then one bear carrying a loaf of bread, and fish I left to thaw and pondered on to hide, That delinquent child reminded me of a scripture I read in the Holy Bible, but he was here before my time, that’s why I’ll never ever get sore, On the end, I did stand, where my people stood before, Then I saw the remains of an ancient site, Beothuks, Mic’mac, Eskimo where they would mate, and eat the bearing fruit and divided mankind into the fourth.
Composed Dec.10, 2005 at the closing of the Trails of Life.
Victor James Muise Jr. 111th Pikto'l Sa'ke'j (Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)