Monday 28 January 2019


There was a Water Ceremony & Sacred Fire Gathering held at Little Port Harmon, Stephenvill, on Monday October 26, 2005. A public gathering was held at Stephenville to give offering and honor the Mi'kmaq people's relationship with the water, fish, land and other natural resources. The event was also in support of the Chief of the Mi'kmaq people of Paq'tnkef First Nation of Afton Station NS , and outlined the significance of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to First Nations and called for immediate actions to protect the Gulf. The gathering was organized by the leadership of the Mi'kmaq and Innu coalition, which was formed to speak with one voice to protect Aboriginal and treaty rights. NOTE: Aiden Mahoney photo !

Attending the NL Hydraulic Fracturing Review Panel presentation in Port au Port. Tuesday ,May 31, 2016....

Wela'lin--Thank you  , kindly , Aiden Mahoney,  for taking the picture.

And I would  like to applaud and honor all the people that stood ,   to give no SOCIAL FREEDOM to the power that be,  to the Federal and local government's.

It is  the people who have  this power in the communities .They live and keep their families safe from any thing that may cause danger to their well being .

Graham Oliver , you have seen this to the end  and I also have a lot of respect for you and the Committee working every angle to hold a respected gathering for the people.

 Wela'lioq---Thank you all.

Photo by Aiden Mahoney


Kwe....Hello, our future. Jane Ballett, a Mi’kmaq girl, started off the evening of presentations showing her posters to the panel of what a future with fracking would look like , versus the pristine natural world that should remain in a future without fracking. Elder Victor Muise provided the panel with gifts to welcome them to indigenous territory. Let us be a united voice to save Mother Earth. No fracking.

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