The Language of the Island of (Mekwe'jete' wa'kik ) Newfoundland has an ancient dialect. It came from the sound of the wind, and the small creeks that flow gently to one's inner spirit. It is spoken with a sacred breath of truth..... all life in the air ,land , sea ,forest ,streams and fields.
It was created, all by the Creator,to have containment beneath his Shield.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise.
Blessings to (Msitno'kmaq), all my relations.
Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf) In Mi'kmaq (Sa'qewei- wjijaqamijl wipe's paqt -sm. )...
Port au Port Mi'kmaq Children's Drumming and Singing Group
FROM: Port Au Port Peninsula, In Mi'kmaw (Pukt aq Pukt Kive'same'k)
Name Of Group ,White Wolf Spirit,(Wipe's Paqtism jijaqamij),Pronounced-- ( wa-beg-buck-dissim-jid-juck-ha-mij )
Two Component Language and Customs of the (Mi'kmaw Nation),Group from Port au Port NL.
Speak Ln'u'k Language: Mi'kmaq
Taqamkuk- (tag-am-goog) Southern Newfoundland
Wela'lioq-Thank you:
Teacher: Pikto'l Ji'm Mius -// Victor James Miuse and Marcella Williams
Coordinator: Shirley Squires
Secretary: Sharon Dalodder
'Basic Teaching in K'taqmkuk- 'Newfoundland for the Mi'kmaq Language'
Pjila'si-Welcome to the Youth of Port au Port: Learning the Fundamental Components of the Mi'kmaw Language;
Ln'u'k-The People of K'taqmkuk-Newfoundland
This site is Demonstrating Ln'u'k the people (Our Language Meaning)-(My Friends),
(This is a preferred Tribal Name.)
Kiknaq-our Home
Wikuom-A Mi'kmaq Dwelling
North America was their traditional Lands before contact with other Nations.
The Micmac homeland (Mi'kma'ki),which traditionally divided into eight hunting districts each has its own district.
Keepers of the Traditions: Elders connect to ...Kisiku'k iknmuksi'k...Wisdom-Nsituo'qn, Humour-Kiso'ltimkewey, Love-Kesaltultimkewey, aq, Life-Mimajuaqn.
The Mi'kmaw Francis-Smith Orthography See: (Mi'kmaq Orthography for more Details): Is used for: Speaking, reading or writing Mi'kmaw Language.
(L'nu-iktuk-Its that Easy)
Two Component Language and Customs of the (Mi'kmaw Nation),Group from Port au Port NL.
Speak Ln'u'k Language: Mi'kmaq
Taqamkuk- (tag-am-goog) Southern Newfoundland
Wela'lioq-Thank you:
Teacher: Pikto'l Ji'm Mius -// Victor James Miuse and Marcella Williams
Coordinator: Shirley Squires
Secretary: Sharon Dalodder
'Basic Teaching in K'taqmkuk- 'Newfoundland for the Mi'kmaq Language'
Pjila'si-Welcome to the Youth of Port au Port: Learning the Fundamental Components of the Mi'kmaw Language;
Ln'u'k-The People of K'taqmkuk-Newfoundland
This site is Demonstrating Ln'u'k the people (Our Language Meaning)-(My Friends),
(This is a preferred Tribal Name.)
Kiknaq-our Home
Wikuom-A Mi'kmaq Dwelling
North America was their traditional Lands before contact with other Nations.
The Micmac homeland (Mi'kma'ki),which traditionally divided into eight hunting districts each has its own district.
Keepers of the Traditions: Elders connect to ...Kisiku'k iknmuksi'k...Wisdom-Nsituo'qn, Humour-Kiso'ltimkewey, Love-Kesaltultimkewey, aq, Life-Mimajuaqn.
The Mi'kmaw Francis-Smith Orthography See: (Mi'kmaq Orthography for more Details): Is used for: Speaking, reading or writing Mi'kmaw Language.
(L'nu-iktuk-Its that Easy)

The Rediscovery of the Mi'kmaw Language in K'taqmuk-Newfoundland:
By Delina Petit Pas/Tami Park-Tighe/Odelle Pike// Victor Muise , The Four Founders of a new beginning..
Saturday June 6th, 2015:
Bay St. George Mi'kmaw Language Incentive Program:
Honorary Certificate, 5 day camp recognition.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's./ Victor James Muise
The first 5 Day Language/Culture Camp took place approximately one year ago, in St George's, NL at the Cultural Circle.
Those that were able to attend, made history.
We were part of the relearning of our language which was taken from our Ancestors.
It took the commitment of a team that lead and Walked the Walk....
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's..VJM.
By Delina Petit Pas/Tami Park-Tighe/Odelle Pike/Victor Muise ,
Saturday Jun,6th,2015
Bay St. George Mi'kmaw Language Incentive Program.
Honorary Certificate 5 day camp recognition
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's./ Victor James Muise
By Delina Petit Pas/Tami Park-Tighe/Odelle Pike/Victor Muise ,
Saturday Jun,6th,2015
Bay St. George Mi'kmaw Language Incentive Program.
Honorary Certificate 5 day camp recognition
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's./ Victor James Muise
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