Tuesday, 29 January 2019
This is one of my virtual spaces.
It portrays my personal struggles, but also my personal victories.
It portrays the personal struggles and victories of my People.
It speaks of my Healing Path , and the Journey into Healing walked by my People.
Know this...
A feather can fall.
But, in a blink it can once again be swept skyward !
And that is the Way. of survival.
Monday, 28 January 2019
"CULTURAL RECALL, VOLUME 2" is now available !
Please click the link below:
CULTURAL RECALL , VOLUME 2_____________________________________________________________________________
You may make contact with me by email, through this blog, by writing to me, or by telephoning me.
Please see below :
Victor J. Muise
Sometimes it takes a lifetime to fulfill a dream.
I am shown here autographing copies of my three books..
My three books are available here.
Here is the link to updated author page. It features my biography, photo and links to all 3 of my books. https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/victormuise
It is my hope to have my fourth book completed by late Autumn.
Here is the link to updated author page. It features my biography, photo and links to all 3 of my books. https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/victormuise
Tree of Life = http://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/9781772801590/…/tree-of-life…
Cultural Recall = http://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/…/…/cultural-recall-volume-1…
The Sa'ke'j family of blogs has a new and important site. It is named "SA'KE'J BOOKS".
It features all books written and coauthored by Victor James Muise. It is a place where readers can learn more about these books, and links are provided to make purchases directly from the publisher.
Readers can go to "SA'KE'J BOOKS" directly through this link.
Click here SA'KE'J BOOKS
Or find "SA'KE'J BOOKS " listed in the blog list on right.
Copyrights of Book Three :has been assigned.;
It is going to be printed next week : "Cultural Recall : Oral Stories Told by L'nu (The People ) Mi'kmaq of Newfoundland , Volume 1
(Wela'ioq --Thank you all for guiding me ........you know who you are.
Book Three:
Cultural Recall ,Volume 1 : I will have in two weeks,
I'll have copies down in Central Newfoundland at the gathering in June, and at the Conne River Pow Wow and the Flat Bay Pow Wow,,,,
Wela'ioq---Thank you all.-Muise Sakej Victor
Cultural Recall
Oral Stories Told by Mi’kmaw L’nu’k [People] of Newfoundland
Volume 2
Volume 2 of Cultural Recall can be summarized as a collection of short stories that highlights ordinary Mi’kmaw people's lives , and their struggles, as told by the People themselves or Mi’kmaw storytellers.
Stories tell about our war heroes, parents teaching Mi’kmaw traditions to their children, how our People cope with family tragedies and loss of loved ones and tales of survival while hunting or traveling on the country.
The historical keynote story relates the life and last days of one of Newfoundland’s last nomadic Mi’kmaw families as told through the eyes of Marie who was a true hero.
I hope that you enjoy reading this book.
Oppression periods of Mi'kmaq are highlighted in new book..
Here is the Western Star link for the interview :
Volume 11 has been compiled and finished .
It should be on the shelves some time in the 2019..
Copyright Book: "The Words of the White Wolf --Generation of Rediscovery"
My book will be published the first week in September, 2017.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's/VJM
Please click the link below:
CULTURAL RECALL , VOLUME 2_____________________________________________________________________________
The following is the "SA'KE'J BOOKS" logo.
It is the property of Victore James Muise
All rights reserved .
You may make contact with me by email, through this blog, by writing to me, or by telephoning me.
Please see below :
Victor J. Muise
Box 282, 7 Mission Cross Road,
St. George's ,NL. A0N-1Z0
Email: muisevictor@gmail.com
Author of Book :'The Words of the White Wolf"
Aboriginal Adviser : Four Corner Mining Corporation,
Aboriginal Adviser: Triple Nine Rec.
Knowledge Keeper of Mi'kma'ki
I am shown here autographing copies of my three books..
My three books are available here.
Here is the link to updated author page. It features my biography, photo and links to all 3 of my books. https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/victormuise
It is my hope to have my fourth book completed by late Autumn.
Here is the link to updated author page. It features my biography, photo and links to all 3 of my books. https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/victormuise
The Words of the White Wolf = http://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/…/v…/words-of-the-white-wolf…
Tree of Life = http://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/9781772801590/…/tree-of-life…
Cultural Recall = http://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/…/…/cultural-recall-volume-1…
The Sa'ke'j family of blogs has a new and important site. It is named "SA'KE'J BOOKS".
It features all books written and coauthored by Victor James Muise. It is a place where readers can learn more about these books, and links are provided to make purchases directly from the publisher.
Readers can go to "SA'KE'J BOOKS" directly through this link.
Click here SA'KE'J BOOKS
Or find "SA'KE'J BOOKS " listed in the blog list on right.
Copyrights of Book Three :has been assigned.;
It is going to be printed next week : "Cultural Recall : Oral Stories Told by L'nu (The People ) Mi'kmaq of Newfoundland , Volume 1
(Wela'ioq --Thank you all for guiding me ........you know who you are.
Book Three:
Cultural Recall ,Volume 1 : I will have in two weeks,
I'll have copies down in Central Newfoundland at the gathering in June, and at the Conne River Pow Wow and the Flat Bay Pow Wow,,,,
Wela'ioq---Thank you all.-Muise Sakej Victor
Cultural Recall
Oral Stories Told by Mi’kmaw L’nu’k [People] of Newfoundland
Volume 2
Volume 2 of Cultural Recall can be summarized as a collection of short stories that highlights ordinary Mi’kmaw people's lives , and their struggles, as told by the People themselves or Mi’kmaw storytellers.
Stories tell about our war heroes, parents teaching Mi’kmaw traditions to their children, how our People cope with family tragedies and loss of loved ones and tales of survival while hunting or traveling on the country.
The historical keynote story relates the life and last days of one of Newfoundland’s last nomadic Mi’kmaw families as told through the eyes of Marie who was a true hero.
I hope that you enjoy reading this book.
Oppression periods of Mi'kmaq are highlighted in new book..
Here is the Western Star link for the interview :
Volume 11 has been compiled and finished .
It should be on the shelves some time in the 2019..
Please click the link below...
Copyright Book: "The Words of the White Wolf --Generation of Rediscovery"
My book will be published the first week in September, 2017.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's/VJM
Recently I turned 65 .I never thought that I would survive to this age.
It humbles me, and much gratitude is given , that I have
The Journey continues .
Many thanks are given for the delicious birthday cake made by a neighbor.
Thanks for the gifts, the cards, the telephone calls, and the wishes extended through Facebook and by email, etc.
The day was made very special by family and friends
This is the Miu's Crest .
You can read the Historic Book written by author Doreen Swyers ,(nee--muise) , and co-author Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's .
It is called " The Tree of Life -15 Generations from 1604-1999".
It is available in the upcoming months before Christmas , or a little after Christmas , and is the genealogy of Moses Muis and Lucie McNeill...
Wela'loq --thank you all.....
I will Have three books done By the Pow Wow next year .
One is finished . It is "Words of the White Wolf " .
The second , "The Tree of Life ,15 Generations , 1604--1999" will soon be for sale.
And the one I'm working on now ,
"Cultural Recall ,
Oral Stories Told by L'nu'k (The People Mi'kmaw of Newfoundland )
Volume 1
Book III
will be available in 2018.
Victor James Muise.
I am now working on the following :
Cultural Recall:
Oral Stories Told by Mi’kmaw L’nu’k
[People of Newfoundland )
Volume I
[People of Newfoundland )
Volume I
This was taken in my younger days...._____________________________________________________________________
My second order of books is now in.So If you ordered a book from me , please come to my residence at : 7 Mission Cross Road off Muise's Lane, St. George's.
No mail out delivery will be sent or delivered ....
Wela'lioq--Thank you all ---
You can also order on line Here is this link::
Elder Muise's new book , "The Words of the White Wolf" highlights the times of oppression for the Mi'qmak people.Oppression periods of Mi’kmaq highlighted in new book | The Western Star https://t.co/DEvvzWWDI .Click here: THE OPPRESSION PERIOD...
My book is a Journey through then and now.http://
Click on "THE WORDS OF THE WHITE WOLF " below to order :
My book , "THE WORDS OF THE WHITE WOLF " is now available.
Please order from http://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/9781772801248/victor-muise/words-of-the-white-wolf?blnBKM=1
Kwe--Greetings, my family and friends.
Next Thursday I will have so many copies of my book at home .
The Books are $30.00 +shipping +GST , so $35.00 will be the cost of the book .If you want a copy inbox me . They will be sold as first come until I run out .
You can , on Tuesday , order from the publishing company .The website is below.
wela'ioq--Thank you all ..
Author Victor James Muise ....
Book : "The Words of the White Wolf - (Generation of Rediscovery "
We will upload your book to our website this weekend. Our website is updated every Tuesday, so your book should appear on mcnallyrobinson.com at that time. Your book will be searchable on our website by the author name, book title, or ISBN :978-1-77280-124-8..
Canada's Largest Independent Bookstore - McNally Robinson Booksellers
Canada's largest and most eventful independent…
Self-Publishing and Print-on-Demand
McNally Robinson Booksellers
1120 Grant Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3M 2A6
(204) 453-0424
Notes from the Editor ::
It is such a journey, perhaps like your life. I didn’t imagine it would be so expansive, covering everything from animals and the land to your perspective on the richness and poverty of people at different times. Some of your sentences are strikingly beautiful to read as well, so thank you for that too! And it’s great to read about Flat Bay Brook and different area's to learn more about that place (and place names!) and all of the different people who live and who have lived there. And the stories are so-wide ranging and fascinating; I love the pirate story about the dead baby. Your discussions about the importance of land, of language and of respecting women are very compelling as well. And the teachings at the end are a powerful addition. I can tell that so much thought and work went into writing this book.)
Elder Muise's new book , "The Words of the White Wolf" highlights the times of oppression for the Mi'qmak people.
Oppression periods of Mi’kmaq highlighted in new book | The Western Star https://t.co/DEvvzWWDI .Click here: THE OPPRESSION PERIOD...
MAN OF MANY TALENTS________________________________________________
Elder Victor J. Muise is the Aboriginal Advisor to TRIPLE NINE RESOURCES .
Victor J. Muise
Box 282, 7 Mission Cross Road,
St. George's ,NL.
Author of Book : Through the Eyes of the White Wolf.
Aboriginal Adviser : Four Corner Mining Corporation,
Aboriginal Adviser: Triple Nine Rec.
Knowledge Keeper of Mi'kma'ki
To view his VJM's involvement as Advisor please click on the link below :
St.Joseph High School
He is an amazing man in spirit, and he attends many functions ,this one being very important, not to leave out all three Mi'kmaq communities :of St. George's ,Flat Bay Village and Stephenville Crossing.
There were many guest speakers ...none from Flat Bay Village and 65% of the people were there. We are all related in some way to the Flat Bay Community.....
I had a wonderful night with family and friends
Congratulations to all the students, teachers who work on a daily basis , and the many volunteers ....and to the Government of Newfoundland who strives for our future generations ,,,
As an ageing population we need the youth of today to look after people like myself in the upcoming years,,,
Blessings to all the families that took part and made this a success ....
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Mui's /VJM
____________________________________________________________________THE CAMP
In the late 1970's my three brothers and I were trapping and hunting
up Flat Bay Brook ....Helch Gulch, where my Grand-father had a base camp.
He had two fox ranches....one in Fox Pond,and one in St. George's. He spent most of his life trapping and made a living for his family.
The Muise Clan and many other Mi'kmaw roamed this part of the country : They called it the Western Country.
We had a wonderful fall and learned many of the old trails, and tales in this neck
of the woods.
All my memories still today are with the land of our ancestors.
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise.
Msitno'kmaq-All My Relations:

I have returned to the place of my forefathers.....
I am home ...at last,


The haunting voice of the mountain calls to me......
And my soul answers.
It is so nice to see the trees and birds this morning as I opened my door .
This stirs a high in my heart and spirit.....
After living in a coop for four years , in a sort of concrete jungle , my summer journey brought much inner peace from dawn until dusk .
We have much, and sometimes silence is the rush that heals any human kind.
To live , and to journey , off the land one has to prepare one self to be humble about what we can learn from the natural world and seasons. This is always taken into consideration when venturing in the circle of the spiritual world.
If I look back at my life, I really never spent too much time with humans .... Nor their patterns of life it self .
There is a gap I have yet to cross to understand the changes in human kind.
Upon this Mother Earth , to which we will some day return, my spirit will remain in the blood of my seven grand children , and even then there will be a change. The one constant is change..
All in all, its great to be still alive.
So I have to leave no stone unturned , and let them know who I really am ...
My coming book, the blogs , and hopefully the way I live my life , will be my legacy...... not just to my family, and to my People, but to ALL...
I detached from the physical , materialistic world for the last four months and went on a fast in the mountains to refresh my energy.
Then there was a major decision . I had to make up my mined to move back to my home town .
I knew from the start that some day I would be back home , where love is all around me, from my ancestral home..Here are my roots.
I have resigned from most boards I was on , as there were many demands and some stress.

This picture was taken when I was a guide....
"I stood proud, I stood tall, high above it all, and I still believed in my dreams."
FROM : "Like A Rock"
Bob Seger


SA'KE'J .....The energy, potential, and vision of youth.
SA'KE'J...... The focus, wisdom, and power of the Shaman and Elder.
_________________________________________________________________________________KEEPER OF THE HERITAGE:


The flute was presented to me last year at the Pow Wow By Joey Bennett and the painting was presented to me not long ago by Ronnie Rosell ,,,in Pasadena, outside of Corner Brook.
Great thanks.
Important and Informative
I have sensed a deep connection to my SPIRITUALITY from a very early age.
I have sensed a deep connection to my SPIRITUALITY from a very early age.
I hunted , fished , gathered berries and wild vegetables (living off and on the land).I was accustomed to Mother Earth and traveled with my uncle and cousins and spent most of my l spare time walking the country of Western Newfoundland,sleeping in old log cabins. Side camps were home to me for many nights at a time.
My teachers from our Mi'kmaq traditions were SPIRITUAL, Mi'kmaw and traditional L'NU; George Paul and Cathy Joe. Their teachings have sustained me throughout my life.
From a very early age I was taught to be respectful of my ELDERS. Respect and a helping them were part of what was done for the ELDERS in our Community.
I joined the FNI in 1985 ( having only scratched the surface) of my SPIRITUAL understandings. At that time many people in Bay George did not know they had ties with the Mi'kmaq Nation. The L'nu of K'taqmkuk have since then taken a stand to revitalize their CULTURE which had been almost lost and forgotten.
When I helped kick start the St. George's Band and in 1989 was affiliated with FNL, I became Chief of the St. George's Indian Band. I acquired a building for the Mi'kmaq of St. George to have their meetings.
My teachers from our Mi'kmaq traditions were SPIRITUAL, Mi'kmaw and traditional L'NU; George Paul and Cathy Joe. Their teachings have sustained me throughout my life.
From a very early age I was taught to be respectful of my ELDERS. Respect and a helping them were part of what was done for the ELDERS in our Community.
I joined the FNI in 1985 ( having only scratched the surface) of my SPIRITUAL understandings. At that time many people in Bay George did not know they had ties with the Mi'kmaq Nation. The L'nu of K'taqmkuk have since then taken a stand to revitalize their CULTURE which had been almost lost and forgotten.
When I helped kick start the St. George's Band and in 1989 was affiliated with FNL, I became Chief of the St. George's Indian Band. I acquired a building for the Mi'kmaq of St. George to have their meetings.
I set up a Mi'kmaq drum and singing group here in the Bay St. George area. I took direction from the ELDERS' who sat on our council. This is how Mi'kmaq people make decisions.
I volunteered my time making presentations in the school system here on the West Coast and also helped set up a group in Central Newfoundland and later set up a group at the Native Friendship Center in St. John's.
When my marriage broke up I turned to drinking. The emotional pain was too much to bear and alcohol numbed this profound hurting. After a while with some help from my friends and family, I got the help I needed and stopped drinking.
During my working days as I was young, I sailed with the Upper Lake Shipping Company from Toronto and sailed the whole Western Seaboard.
When my marriage broke up I turned to drinking. The emotional pain was too much to bear and alcohol numbed this profound hurting. After a while with some help from my friends and family, I got the help I needed and stopped drinking.
During my working days as I was young, I sailed with the Upper Lake Shipping Company from Toronto and sailed the whole Western Seaboard.
I worked in the forests fields as a Forest Ranger 11 and was later fire Boss over the unit , here in the Bay St, George area, working throughout the Island and in Labrador.
In later years I worked as prospector on the Island and in Labrador.
I spent time volunteering at Native Friendship Centers with youth and I helped set up programs. I traveled in the many Provinces throughout Canada and in my spare time I stayed at my cabin up Flat Bay Brook in Helch Gulch in part , for 27 years .
Trying to stay on a spiritual path is very hard, although I have received much respect for my accomplishments over the past thirty years. In those years we had no pipe carries, sweat lodge keepers , spirit name givers, or medicine people.
Trying to stay on a spiritual path is very hard, although I have received much respect for my accomplishments over the past thirty years. In those years we had no pipe carries, sweat lodge keepers , spirit name givers, or medicine people.
People barely knew the Mi'kmaq language and as I was completely lost living in an European society.
In 2014 many of our Mikmaq people on K'taqmkuk gathered at our Mawiomi and every one was saying Pjila'si-welcome and there were over three thousand people present on Saturday.
In 2014 many of our Mikmaq people on K'taqmkuk gathered at our Mawiomi and every one was saying Pjila'si-welcome and there were over three thousand people present on Saturday.
Many of our youth attended the gathering which made me so proud because twenty years ago there was very few of our youth dressed in full regalia and trying to learn more about our Mi'kmaq culture.
In concluding this writing I want to say we are fortunate to have some Mi'kmaq people that are Mi'kmaq Elders and teachers here in the Bay St. George area. However people are coming out of the woodwork from here and everywhere professing to be Mi'kmaq teachers, pipe carries, name givers and sweat lodge keepers.
I know to be a pipe carrier one must be recognized by the community and those people are hard to find to fill that role in Mi'kmaq society.
In concluding this writing I want to say we are fortunate to have some Mi'kmaq people that are Mi'kmaq Elders and teachers here in the Bay St. George area. However people are coming out of the woodwork from here and everywhere professing to be Mi'kmaq teachers, pipe carries, name givers and sweat lodge keepers.
I know to be a pipe carrier one must be recognized by the community and those people are hard to find to fill that role in Mi'kmaq society.
The same goes for a Traditional Mi'kmaq Teacher of our culture.
The honour of being a sweat lodge keeper is only given to a person when he has been a helper for many years. This person must be seen as be living by our 7 spiritual teachings , even before they are considered to hold such a responsibility. Some people don't even make it and the name givers have to go through a sacred ceremony and then a name might be revealed.
Our youth are looking for direction from our ELDERS and TEACHERS about our way of life and how we live as Mi'kmaq. It is important that we have a discussion about who these people are and recognize these ELDERS and TEACHERS in a ceremony to present them to our COMMUNITY .
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise..VJM
Up Flat Bay Brook
Our youth are looking for direction from our ELDERS and TEACHERS about our way of life and how we live as Mi'kmaq. It is important that we have a discussion about who these people are and recognize these ELDERS and TEACHERS in a ceremony to present them to our COMMUNITY .
Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise..VJM
Up Flat Bay Brook
Social media sites on the internet are helping to promote and preserve the Mi'kmaq heritage and tradition.
Spiritual Elder , Piktol Sa'ke'j Mius , is embracing technology to help make others aware of Mi'kmaq ways. He tweets on Twitter, posts relentlessly in groups on Face Book, and is now sharing his wealth of stories right here in his virtual internet home, this blog.
Contact with the Elder can be made in the following ways:
THROUGH THIS BLOG: If you wish to leave a message for the Elder please be advised that there is a "Contact" section on the right side of the page.....You can also sign up to "follow" the Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf through this site.....There is also a place to leave your email address so that you will get email alerts every time a post is made.
ON FACEBOOK: The Elder has a FaceBook account. Please search for Piktol Sa'ke'j Mius. He hosts and is moderator of many cultural groups on FaceBook.
ON TWITTER: You can follow the Elder on Twitter at http://twitter.com/jamesmuise , or look at the IMPORTANT LINKS section on this blog. Click on the Twitter link to get to his page.
The Elder with his two daughters, two grand-children, and one daughter's partner:
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