Tuesday, 23 September 2014


I am honored that you asked me to give you an aboriginal name. This is not usually a role I perform as many in the aboriginal community take great pride in performing this function. My involvement within the aboriginal movement is usually at another level. Because as a People we are just finding our native spirituality, many who do this spirit naming are still in the early stages of their spiritual development and need aids like fasting, drumming, singing etc. to help them along; but I have been on my spiritual path for many decades and do things a little differently. I just need to “think’ about a spirit name in order to visualize it with my inner eye. This is accomplished at a very deep level because I am so connected to Mother Earth and the Universe. This is not a finite process; I just feel your life force and aura as it interacts with my inner-self; therefore what I am going to reveal to you is only my interpretation of your spirit force as experienced through my life-force. It may differ greatly from others’ interpretation or what you yourself believe about all this. Please remember that this is all at a spiritual, inner-self level and is not physical as you understand it.
I know from “looking” at your spirit that you are a complex person, very strong and resilient on some fronts but very weak and in need of help on others. You are a kind, honest person, a hard worker and lover of family. You appear to be in control of your life but have certain tendencies that are self-destructive; this was certainly more evident earlier in your life. Your eyes are the windows to your very soul and I see sadness and loneliness there that you try to mask with your cheerfulness. But deep down I see a lonely person who has self-doubt. I see that you need a soul mate; this person would have to be someone who not only loves you unconditionally but also fully understands your special needs. This person will soon enter your life [if not already present]. I could say a lot more but that is not the purpose of this exercise.
I see you as a young birch tree. This may seem strange to you but you have to understand the birch tree. It is a very resilient life-force taking a lot of punishment from Mother Earth’s elements especially wind, snow and definitely sleet. Young birch tree will bend to these greater forces often touching the ground, even losing some of its limbs. But it will always spring back into shape awaiting the next on-slot of nature’s force. Birch is a real life survivor. Other apparently stronger trees like the pine and spruce will not bend. They are too proud and think too much of their life situation. Instead the sleet and wind will snap off those magnificent trees and they die. For those reasons I see that you are like the birch tree, a life survivor.
But I also saw another side of you, morning; you are strongest in the morning; morning is also the time of day for unknown promise. There is always great expectation and youthful hope in the morning. We all need hope in order to face life’s disturbances. You are a morning person; full of life and in a good mood especially lately in your life. I thought about you as wind or something to do with spring but those elements were not as strong to me as birch and morning. You are not an animal spiritually but have a certain tendency towards eagles but you are not yet strong enough spiritually to have that type of spirit figure.
I struggled over you name for three days but now am satisfied with my feelings on this naming: Based on all of this I name you “Morning Birches”
Elder Eagle Catcher

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