Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Think of the pine tree, standing so tall in the forest.

It does not bend easily with the four winds . It is fresh and has a dry scent  to help us breathe.

Other trees bend when snow piles on them in winter, but not the pine. It will crack off from the North West wind. But, even when the top cracks off, it still stands proud and strong.

Think of the buds. Before they fall back to the earth the winds scatter their seeds  among the forest, and the rest of the forest stands beside them  to nurture the seedlings to growth.

Then the cycle of one tree shares its strength with others int he cycle.

We are the same as the pine tree and other nations help our growth and journey in the cycle of life.

But, one must not forget our core values from our forefathers and Elderly teachings.

Culture is not science and therefore it should not be definitive.

Victor James Muise ( Pikto'l ) Sa'ke'j  Miu's

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