Wednesday, 9 April 2014


I was starting my spiritual Journey, but  I got lost between the two worlds of  listening and hearing.

An Elder told me if I was lost and could't  find  my path,  to use all my senses at one time and in the simplest state of mind, body and spirit.

I was in my fourth stage of life ( 28 years old), trying to grasp the meaning of what the Elder was   telling me.  I had much respect for him and listened  all the time.

So I took a walk beneath a sacred place where my people once lived in harmony with nature, and I thought of what the Elder had told me.

After walking for some time I came upon a small creek and some unknown force of the  wind from the East gently flushed down through my body and surrounded me in all seven directions.

 It took me a while to understand why this was all happening.   I know the seven directions of the sacred pipe, But the most important direction was myself, that I was not humbled or in balance nor in a simple state.

Then I looked up to thank the Creator and a sea gull flew by dropping a sea shell on the bank of the creek, so I took it and put the shell to my ear and I could hear the sound of the ocean .

I asked myself why I had left  my ocean home, those ample depths of blue, and up the river I would roam  so fully I would rue.

Then I sat on an old fallen birch tree and started hearing the ripples of the creek and birds chirping in the wilderness.

I could smell the Earth around me, looking to the west and the sun's  thousands of shades.  Then I started to finally smile as the evening grew near.

At the same time I  touched the bark of the fallen tree to the North and a vision rushed to my hearts content.

 A wigwam , the  home of my ancestors...... I  could sense their presence,  and was once again content with myself.

I glanced  my eyes at the stump of the fallen tree to the South and to my surprise I counted seven tiny birch trees growing in the cycle of nature and I then could sense all my relations.

At this time my heart was beating faster and could hear what the Elder was telling me at the closing of the day….

And I understood. 

Composed April 7 /2014 Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise

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