Monday, 18 November 2013


Lost Identity

Once upon a time, there were an entire Nation of Aboriginal people roaming the Canadian Lands and North America. They searched for areas that were fertile and maintained a healthy living for their families, working long hours, clearing land, hunting, fishing, and building shelters for their survival.

These people were brave and courageous, confronting each new obstacle and hardship with pride and dignity. Their customs and traditions were passed on from generation to generation and only some strong spiritual women and men survived and grasped the oral traditional.

Suddenly, the white man came and the aboriginal people, who were not slaughtered were forcefully driven away from their homes and lands. Then so it begin the SAGA of Mi'kmaq people's dilemma of living with alien people trying desperately to adopt to the white man's traditions and laws, while their own identities got lost in their chaos.

Unity among the Mi'kmaq Nation was divided into seven districts. People that were not scattered found their lives were lived on different paths. They did not speak their native tongue anymore. Their traditions and ways of life were gone with each passing day.

These proud and noble people have fallen prey to a new people and culture. Somewhere along the way the Creator with his Messengers still hiding the difficult roads, an entire nation has lost it's indentity and have become aliens in their own land.

But wait! Just as an eagle flies high into the air a messenger started to teach her young how to fly. So did the leaders of the spiritual women and men of the Mi'kmaq groups take their stand and speak out, loudly to their young and teach them the customs and traditions that their ancestors have preserved for generations.

United as one great nation, a proud and courageous people, let no stone be left unturned. Attain your goals of keeping your identity, an identity your ancestors strived so hard to preserve. Let a new life begin and know that the Mi'kmaq people of Canada are a proud and dignified people, ready to reassume their identity?


..Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise…(Ancient Spirit of the White Wolf)

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