Thursday, 16 November 2017



The stats which are given below reflect reader visitation in September, 2017.

There have been many new visitors since then , and SA'KE'J  has added many new posts.  This article will be updated soon to reflect the new blog activity.

Please enjoy.

And when you reach page bottom , please click on  "older posts"  to see previously written material.


Web designer, posting for  SA'KE'J

Some people have sight, but no vision.
Some people have vision , but no sight.
Others are blessed with both vision and sight.
SA'KE'J  has vision , sight, and  sites......

The sites are his four websites, called  blogs, which are his virtual homes on the world wide web.
Let us consider them.

The "WORDS OF WHITE WOLF" was the first , having been designed in the Spring of 2013.  It served as a platform for  local Mi'kmaq history and culture. On it are posted 229 articles , and the stats show that it has had  thousands of visitors, with more than  20,628 page views.

Many articles from the  that site will be featured in his book.

The Autumn of 2013 saw  "TRAIL'S END " bursting  unto the virtual scene. It is the personal  blog of SA'KE'J ,  with  110 posts and  nearly 8595  page views.

Next came  "THE VOICE" ,  designed in 2015 as a platform for the Mi'kmaq language. To date it has 102 posts ,  and has  3549 page views to validate its popularity.

Finally , " RAVEN'S WING " flew on the scene. It is a  gallery for the art forms and creations of SA'KE'J. It also showcases his poetry and prose. To date,  "RAVEN'S WING "   has had 32 posts ( articles ) and   663 page views.

So , these four blogs have had nearly 500 articles written and posted to them , and can boast over    30,000 page views.  Stats show that visitors to the sites are from all over the world.

Today I  would like to draw your attention specifically to "TRAIL'S END"   . This site has seen a radical renovation, and many of the articles are now  located in units , instead of simply appearing in chronological  order, as most blog posts do.

I would also like to point out that  "Congratulations" are due to "THE WORDS  OF  WHITE  WOLF" , as it recently celebrated a 4th year Anniversary !

Please visit and enjoy. Do not forget to click on "Older posts " at page bottom to see more articles.

NOTE: Posted by the web   designer for the owner / author of these blogs.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Here are three Mi'kmaq guides and Newfoundland and Labrador p rospectors;
Terrance Morgen Muise,  Leonard Gerard Muise, Victor James Muise JR.